TEI text mark-up in MS Word
After well visited workshop on digital humanities (XML-TEI mark-up language in Humanities) a practical workshop followed in organisation of DARIAH-SI. The workshop took place on the December 4th 2014.
Workshop was organised for researchers who would like to tag text with some basic TEI mark-ups (http://www.tei-c.org/index.xml), but are not familiar with XML mark-up language.
Andrej Pančur, who led the workshop, has presented:
- OxGarage – as format convertor,
- how to transform a MS Word DOCX document to TEI.
Participants also learned how to:
- edit MS Word document to get an optimal mark-up conversion to TEI document
- add new TEI marks by designating new MS Word.
In the final phase of the workshop followed a presentation of the DOCX to TEI to HTML converter custom made for the needs of Slovenian DH community (http://nl.ijs.si/tei/convert/).
Workshop was based on the practical user cases on available MS Word documents.